A Friendly Welcome…

Welcome to the wonderful, gentle world
Of holistic, homeopathic healing!

This site is home to information about
The naturalistic healing talents
Deborahe Prock
Board Certified “American  Association of Drugless Practitioners”

What is naturopathy?

According to Encarta Dictionary it is “a system of medicine founded on the belief that diet, mental state, exercise, breathing, and other natural factors are central to the origin and treatment of disease”.

On these pages you will find information about “Dr. Deb”, as she is affectionately known, (not an M.D.) her suggested herbal remedies, herb classes, and her passion for healing and teaching – one person at a time.

Classes that Dr. Deb Teaches

  • General Principles of Herbs
  • Bach Flower
  • Animal Acupressure for people and pets
  • Detoxification

My contact information

  • By email:
  • By standard mail:
    Dr. Deb’s Herbals
    P.O. Box 505
    Somerset, CA 95684

  • My Location:

    Dr Deb’s Herbals
    484 Pleasant Valley Road, #2
    Diamond Springs, CA 95619
  • By phone:
    530 622-1124 (For appointments PST)

Gift Certificate Complete Health Evaluation

SKU 00557
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Gift Certificate

This certificate entitles:

Deborahe Prock, Naturopath

Taylor Chiropractic

484 Pleasant Valley, #14( Main St .)

Diamond Springs , CA 95619

Ionic Detoxification Footbath

and Health Evaluation


Call for appt: (530) 622-1124

The Gift of Health - Priceless

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Gift Certificate Complete Health Evaluation
Spice it Up

Spice it up – A few healthy benefits from adding herbs/spices to your Holiday Baking
Boost the flavor of your favorite baking dishes with herbs and add those extra health benefits to keep your families’ immune system strong. On my website: www.drdebsherbals.com I have 66 cooking and baking herbs for each one that you select a detailed description on the health benefit will come up, but here are a few of my favorites.
Cayenne: This herb is wonderful for winter colds, congestion, infection, and inflammation. It adds warmth and breaks up congestion, clears sinuses and serves to activate other herbs.
Turmeric: It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
Garlic: (powder, granules or fresh) Garlic can help you lower your bad cholesterol (LDL). Cholesterol is a fatty compound that travels in your blood and may put you at risk for heart disease. Garlic strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest congestion and coughs. Garlic is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. The Allicin which is a sulphuric compound is considered a natural antibiotic. Garlic is a good source of vitamin B6 which is needed for healthy immune and growth of new cells. Vitamin B6 can also assist with mood swings and improve your cheery disposition.
Thyme: is a natural medicine that is used for treating chest and respiratory problems. It serves as an effective cure for bronchitis, coughs and chest congestion as well. The herb helps reduce symptoms of irritable bowel and colic. It helps in preventing chronic gastritis as well. It effectively fights against bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
Dill: stimulates the secretion of bile and digestive juices. This also stimulates the peristaltic motion in the intestines and helps relieve constipation. Dill has long been associated with the management of insulin levels. As a well-known carminative, dill can help prevent the embarrassing condition of excessive gas. An anti-inflammatory herb, meaning that it helps to reduce the inflammation and the associated pain of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and arthritis.
Rosemary: been believed to have memory-enhancing properties. The aroma of rosemary is said to improve your mood. A popular natural migraine remedy for centuries. Rosemary boosts the immune system thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties. Rosemary is often used to help treat digestive problems such as upset stomach, constipation, indigestion, and almost any other digestive related problem.
Oregano: Prevents heartburn, reduces gas and indigestion, helps to clear parasites from the body. Can soothe a cough and calm down asthma symptoms. Helps to treat and prevent seasonal allergies. Anti-inflammatory properties and can be used effectively for headaches, flu, sprains, strains and swollen glands. Beneficial for chronic fatigue syndrome. A natural treatment for yeast overgrowth. Oregano is rich in fiber and will improve the flexibility of joints.
Teas: this holiday season instead of bringing a bottle of wine as a hostess gift, what about a selection of healthy teas? There are also 61 teas to choose from on my website.

Dr. Deborahe Prock

From Dr. Deb…


A Bit About Me


My name is Deborahe Prock, Naturopathic Practitioner, AKA Dr. Deb; Please note that Dr. Deb is a nickname that I was given in the 70’s for the healing that I did. I am not licensed by the State of California but work as a Practitioner. I do have a Diploma as Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton College, this is not a recognized College by the State it does however train me as an educator to consult with your health. I am passionate about healing! Since 1993, I have embraced my path as Healer and Teacher. Always maintaining a humble attitude of student as well as healer, my senses are always open to healing possibilities.


I am my own best testimony: after surviving cancer myself, the various tradition treatments, and some permanent effects of those treatments, I brought myself back to health and vitality using some modern medicine in conjunction with the wisdom I gained becoming a Master Herbalist. Through my experiences, I have gained insight into how to enable individuals to create their own wellness, using integrative approaches (using both traditional medicine and complimented with supplements and herbs). I feel honored to be able to help and encourage others toward their goal of well-being.


When I first began working as a natural healer, all of my visits were house calls…I embraced the idea of the traveling “barefoot doctors”, of the ancient “medicine woman”, and of “simpling”. A “barefoot doctor” traveled from village to village learning, healing, and dispensing knowledge gained in the field regarding health. We have heard about the medicine women of many different cultures who carefully passed their wisdom of the healing and nutritional powers of plants down through the ages. The art of growing and using herbs for medicine is traditionally called “simpling” however I take the notion a step farther: I believe that less is best when it comes to using herbs to improve health, so I keep my herbals blends as simple as possible to maintain their effectiveness. Often, taking 1 or 2 of the correct herbs is much more effective than taking 6 or 8 of the almost correct herbs.


As my practice has grown and thrived, my traveling days are fewer and you can usually find me at my office. Seeing clients every day has allowed me to gain even more knowledge based on direct feedback from my clients. I have learned that what works for one client may not work for another client. Each individual has their own herbal needs and I am pleased to be able to offer personalized herbal blends if needed. It is very important to learn that we do not live in a world where we can be all holistic all the time, so also educating when we need to be seeing the traditional MD or even a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) so that they may order testing or scans.


All of my remedies are created with the intention of healing and I carefully screen my herb suppliers. I always want to know where the herbs are from, how they have been prepared and stored, as well as the intention they were harvested with. I provide far too many remedies to be able to grow the herbs myself anymore. Most of the herbs I use in my remedies are harvested with the intention to heal. I do not use any herbs in my remedies that I would not use for my family or for our pets.


I could not keep up with the demand for my herbal remedies by myself, so here I must give credit to my husband and helpmate, Rickey, and to my wonderful assistant, Janise, for their dedication and hard work. Each morning, before we begin working with the herbs, we thank God for the opportunity to provide healing and we ask for His blessing.


Although modern living has created many degrees of separation between people and our natural world, I believe there are benefits to be had by blending the best of both modern medicine & natural medicine, thereby lessening the space between these applications: integrative medicine. Many of us find benefits from the use of herbal remedies as well as prescription medications! I openly and happily work with traditional doctors in order to help clients thrive.


My passion is healing & teaching and not-so-much about the money-making involved, so don’t be surprised at how reasonable my prices are. If I didn’t have to make a living, I would not charge for my services at all! Giving people what they honestly need and are able to afford is my creed.


Please check back often and freely explore this website! Read much in your quest for knowledge and well-being! I am always available for your questions and/or comments.


Deborahe Prock, Qualifications

2005 – Clayton College of Natural Medicine: Doctor of Naturopathy degree
2004 – Holistic Pet Care course completion – Andrew Jones, D.V.M.
2000 – Bach Practitioner Certification (for people & pets)
1993 – East West School of Herbology: Master Herbologist

Continuing Education: currently working towards Nutritional Counseling Certification.

Teaching: General Principles of Herbs course, Bach Flower Essences course, Detoxification Techniques, Animal Acupressure.

Affiliations: American Herbalists Guild, Flower Essence Society, National Association of Professional Women, Cambridge Who’s Who Society, El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce, Network El Dorado, Board Member for Job’s Shelters of the Sierra

My goal is not just healing, but educating. As my client, you will learn why you are not feeling well and how to take responsibility for your own health & well-being by fully understanding the benefits of each herb in the specific remedy blended for you.

In Praise of Dr. Deb

Dr. Deb has changed the lives of many people and animals from Louisiana’s New Orleans disaster to Northern California’s El Dorado hills where her skills are well-known in Placerville and on to Lake Tahoe and anywhere else she is needed. Dr. Deb’s talented and insightful diagnoses are legendary; her treatments heal mind and body. Here are a few testimonials written by humans, but if animals could write there would be just as many testimonials of how she save them.

Dr. Deb, my touchstone, my life coach, my friend, my sister

It was in the fall that I met Dr. Deb. I had just spent July and August feeling hopeless about my life. In June I had contracted Diverticulitis and had been hospitalized. With my colon fused to my uterus I was under siege and facing an operation to take both out. Worse still, I had been told that there was absolutely nothing I could do to prevent another attack; that I would not be able to be healed until the operation. Enter Dr. Deb and her footbath.

I will never forget meeting her; she looked at me and said for me not to worry that she could fix the fused uterus and colon and that I would be well soon. It was a simple regimen – Marshmallow Root and a uterus cleanse, but within days I was no longer leaking poison from the colon. Right there and then I became a believer in homeopathic medicine.

My health had never been perfect – born with pneumonia, cord wrapped around my next six times – lucky, lucky to be alive at all. As I reached age six my parents were advised that it was crucial to get me to a dryer climate (Indiana was where we lived then). Although I did not contract tuberculosis as the doctors had feared, I did have pneumonia every year of my life until age 25 when I had my tonsils removed. After that it was bronchitis every year until the year I met Dr. Deb. We worked on getting my lungs and liver in good shape with tinctures and teas and homeopathic remedies and the result was greatly reduced instances of respiratory ailments. Where once I had bronchitis two or three times a year after Dr. Deb took over I sometimes went more than a year without being sick at all.

Last year I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Deb to cure leukemia that I had somehow contracted. It was the kids and young adult kind; the kind that could not have been cured today except for the advent of stem cell research. I was diagnosed with a chromosome jump which left my white blood cells impaired. I had a bold test that left the hospital doctors scrambling to get me in for a blood transfusion to add platelets. They wanted me to stay for a month. But, I was all set to leave the hospital and undertake a homeopathic regimen from Dr. Deb. Matter of fact, I left the hospital knowing that I could rely on Dr. Deb to help me through the nightmare. Instead, she helped me to see the value of integrative medicine – using my health care insurance along with tinctures, lights, and herbs as a way to control the cancer.

I am well now – in complete remission – and still under Dr. Deb’s care because I trust her and I know that I am in good hands. Yes, she is insightful. She studies constantly to add to her knowledge store. Yes, she is empathic. But at the same time she is honest; she tells her clients the truth about their health. Yes, she is knowledgeable, amazingly so. She truly believes that the world will be a better place when we learn to combine the worlds of pharmaceutical medicine with the time-honored tradition of herbal medicine. She is the best of both of these worlds and embraces both whole-heartedly. She believes she can make a difference helping one person at a time and ask anyone – she does make a difference.

I recommend her to anyone who needs medical or psychological assistance – there is no greater gift on this earth than the gift of Dr. Deb.

Bonnie K.

Dr. Deb has been my mentor for many years. She is also my doctor, nurse, best friend, volunteer, protector of animals, cancer survivor, leader, teacher, intuitive and much more. Dr. Deb works endless hours in the research to heal. She has a special gift from God; an insight into a person’s health, the ability to know just what a person needs in mind, body and spirit to heal. With this she is able to pinpoint exactly how to help each person or animal to be well. Most days Dr. Deb is up at 4:30am to begin her day which ends many times late in the night. When she comes home from a long day at work she takes the time to answer every email and phone call that awaits her. She doesn’t rest until each one is answered. Besides seeing the sick, she takes time for the homeless teaching them the herbs of the earth for healing, giving hugs and listening to their stories. Dr. Deb is an inspiration!

Jyll R.

“I have been a fan of Dr. Deb for 4 years and refer new people to her all the time, who find her amazingly awesome.

There are no pretenses, just genuine caring, in supporting people to live healthier life styles and learning how to be responsible for their own health.

It is evident that her first priority in not about money or herself but using her gifts to help others.

We are so fortunate to have Dr. Deb in our community helping not only people but our animals as well.”

Susie D.

“A few years ago, I was experiencing very high blood sugars and depression which were no longer responding to traditional western medical approaches. My primary care physician, suggested that I see Dr. Deb Prock who was doing some “natural therapies” for diabetes and achieved some great results. I see Dr. Deb whenever I don’t feel quite right, and she always has the right natural cure for what is ailing me. I am so lucky and blessed to have found Deb.”

Michael W.

“I was diagnosed with Extreme Bi-Polar Disorder some time ago, taking 15-20 pills a day at the highest dosages they could legally prescribe. Nothing helped, in fact they made things worse. I have since gone holistic with much help from Dr. Deb. I’ve known her for about eight years and can truly say that she’s saved my life in more ways than one and more times than I can list. In a world full of pills and surgical procedures she offers relief from seemingly hopeless situations. Doctors who have never met her refer their patients to her when they’ve run out of options. The standard story goes something like this, “We’re not sure what else to do, but here’s a card of a lady I’ve heard of, maybe she can offer you some alternative solutions. Dr. Deb is genious!

Becky T.

California Residents – California Proposition 65

What is California Proposition 65?
“Prop 65” is a piece of legislation approved by ballot initiative by California voters in November of 1986. Also known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, the original purpose of the law was to prevent the dumping of toxic chemicals in waterways. At the time, the list of known or suspected carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and reproductive toxins identified by the State of California numbered about three dozen. Today, however, this list, which is updated annually by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), contains more than 800 chemical substances.

Why did my purchase arrive with a warning label?
While all of our products meet or exceed federal and international safety standards, this law requires that many kinds of consumer goods sold in California, including herbs and other dietary supplements, must contain a label with language similar to the following: Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or reproductive harm. In California, this label is typically found on electrical components (especially wiring), luggage, flashlights, jewelry and glassware, to name just a few items — it’s even found on fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. This warning is also required to be posted in a conspicuous place at hotels, restaurants, gas stations and other public places. We include the warning label on our products to remain fully compliant with this law.

Does this mean that the product is dangerous?
No, it does not. However, although the intent of the warning label is to protect consumers, it does little to inform them. In other words, the law requires the inclusion of this label even though it says nothing about the actual safety of the product itself or what, if any, harmful substance is present and in what amount. In addition, the “safe harbor” of acceptable levels for certain substances set forth in Proposition 65 are often significantly lower than federal or international standards. Not only are these levels nearly impossible to detect with routine testing, but their inclusion is usually the result of naturally occurring processes.

What kinds of substances are we talking about?
While the list of offending chemicals is extensive, the majority are understandable. Some, however, are naturally occurring substances that have increased in volume due to human activities. For example, arsenic is a deadly poison, but is also a trace element found in low concentrations in soil, air and water. Some comes from volcanic ash, but most environmental arsenic persists as the direct result of burning fossil fuels.

Another example is lead. In the U.S., lead exists in virtually all soil at an average of 16 parts per million (ppm). Due to the extensive use of lead-containing paints, fuels and other products in previous decades, low-level lead concentration in soil is now considered to be 500 ppm and 1,000 ppm at the high end. A small amount of this lead is absorbed by plants. For dietary supplements, including herbs, the safety standard set by the U.S. Food and Safety Administration (FDA) for lead is 10 ppm. The Proposition 65 standard is 0.5 micrograms per day – almost 1,000 times lower than the level at which the FDA deems a potential health risk. To put this into perspective, spinach and carrots, whether organically grown or not, contain between 3 ppm and 6 ppm of lead.

Here’s the thing… Although the spirit of the law is intended to ensure public safety, the way it is currently implemented undermines consumer confidence and makes companies in the natural products industry—even farmers and wild crafters—responsible for environmental pollutants caused by other, less regulated industries. It also places the burden of proof relating to the safety of any product on companies who are forced to demonstrate that a warning label is not necessary. Finally, because enforcement of Prop 65 is conducted via civil litigation, the law, as written, triggers frivolous lawsuits that are difficult, if not impossible, to defend against.

If you’re a resident of California, tell your legislators that the FDA already has a handle on regulating your dietary supplements and that Prop 65 is more harmful than helpful. Find your legislator on the California State Legislation Directory.

If you live in a different state, communicate your concerns about Prop 65 to your Congressional Representative. Find yours by state and district on the House of Representatives Directory.

Frequently Asked Questions:


To check the status of an order, email drdeb2002@gmail.com.


We welcome questions about the use of herbs or the information of our herbal products.


Orders are shipped by US mail (USPS)


Shipping Information:


Orders will be shipped within 3 days, allow 7-10 days to reach your address


Refund, Returns and Cancellation Policies:


Refunds will be provided on products returned within 30 days of purchase for the cost of the item only. Shipping will not be reimbursed. Cancellations may only be accepted if received prior to shipping. Return merchandise to: Dr. Deb’s Herbals, P.O. Box 505, Somerset, CA 95684 To cancel an order please email: drdeb2002@gmail.com.


Our Commitment To Your Privacy


Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy the following notice explains the information we collect, how it is used, how it is safeguarded, and how to contact us if you have any concerns.


What Information Is Collected:


As part of the order process, the following information is collected from shoppers:


Name Shipping/Billing Address Email address Phone number Credit/Debit Card Information


How That Information Is Used:


The information collected from your order will only be used to fill the order, or to contact you if they have questions, payment information will not be stored.

drdebsherbals.com ©2012